Frequently Asked Questions

Have a different question and can't find the answer you're looking for? Reach out to our support team by sending us an email and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

    • Is this safe?

      Infinity Speak's method of transmitting radio messages faces a significant privacy challenge due to the inherent openness of radio communications. Since signals are broadcasted openly through the air, they can be intercepted by anyone with appropriate receivers within the signal's range. In developing Infinity Speak, our aim was to prioritize easy receivability by using straightforward voice radio transmissions without encryption. However, this choice raises privacy concerns, making it crucial to refrain from transmitting sensitive personal data.

    • Where do the messages commence their journey?

      Our transmission network spans across the United States, and we're actively working on global expansion.

    • What is the intensity of the Infinity Speak transmitter?

      We use a specific type of antenna designed for UHF (Ultra High Frequency) communication within the 450-470 MHz frequency range. It's Yagi design, consisting of five elements, provides high gain of 9.2 dBd, indicating its ability to focus and amplify signals in a specific direction. This antenna is highly efficient at directing signals, making it suitable for applications requiring long-range, targeted UHF communication. Its directional nature reduces interference, and it operates optimally within the specified frequency range.

    • Where can I find my recordings, and can I have confidence in their security?

      Absolutely, your recordings are kept safe on the cloud, and only you will be able to access them. Our transmission stations will temporarily fetch your recordings solely for transmission.

    • Why are we sending messages into space?

      At Infinity Speak, we believe in the power of human expression and the beauty of reaching for the stars. That's why we created a platform that allows you to send personal messages into the void, knowing that somewhere out there, they might be received by intelligent beings or distant civilizations.

    • Is it possible for extraterrestrials to pick up our signals?

      The vast distances across space pose significant hurdles. For instance, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) uses Earth's Deep Space Network, which is capable of identifying exceedingly faint signals. To put this into perspective, the signals from the Voyager spacecrafts that this network picks up are billions of times weaker than the energy emitted by a digital watch battery. Presuming that extraterrestrials possess technology that is comparable or superior to ours, theoretically, they should be able to detect remote radio communications.

    • How do we dispatch messages into the universe?

      Your voice is transmitted via a transmitter and antenna as radio waves that travel at light speed, an exact 299,792,458 meters per second or about 186,282 miles per second. This translates to a staggering 671 million miles per hour. Transmit a message, and in a mere second, it touches the moon. In 8 minutes, it will reach the sun, and between 5 to 20 minutes, it will greet Mars, contingent on its relative position. The nearest star, Proxima Centauri, would get your message after 4.2 years.

    • Could an Infinity Speak transmission potentially be intercepted?

      Messages sent via Infinity Speak are transmitted as radio waves, susceptible to interception by a receiver in transit.

    • When will my message be sent?

      Your message will be sent as soon as possible. The timing depends on the number of messages currently in the queue. Please note that we operate on a "first in, first out" basis to ensure fairness and efficiency in message delivery. Thank you for your understanding!